In a Nutshell

Research and development activities enable teams to present options for meeting customers’ needs. The customer may understand their need but will not always understand the best (or, perhaps, any) solution for meeting that need. The expertise of the Team enables them to present other solutions to satisfy the need. The Team can guide the customer by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches. They can prototype, demonstrate, run experiments and carry out research in the market place to provide the customer with the data to make their decisions.

Another area for exercising influence is to manage the expectations of customers. Expectations - especially about what will be delivered and when - once set will often become fixed in the mind. Even worse a commitment may be perceived even though no commitment has been made. Perceived commitments will never be met, creating the perception of failure on the part of the team in the customer’s mind. This will destroy the trust between the customer and the team very quickly.

We must be alive to the risk of unachievable expectations and always seek to manage these at a realistic level. Where we find that unrealistic expectations have been formed, we should seek to reset these at the earliest opportunity.

Implementing Practices