In A Nutshell

Part of leadership is about setting an example - being a role model - for those we wish to influence. If we want others to display the positive values and behaviours we aspire to, we must display them first. We must display them with better fidelity too.

As we define and improve the organisation’s culture we will be introducing new values, new behaviours and new principles. Leaders lead by example, being the first to try to demonstrate the new elements of our culture. Given these are new concepts in our culture, it is very likely that we are going to make mistakes and fail from time to time.

Sometimes we will not even recognise our own failure. We need to be open to receive and act on feedback from those that we work with. This helps us to be more objective about our successes and failures in following the organisation’s culture.

If we dissemble after making a mistake we will destroy trust. As leaders we display openness, honesty and humility about the mistakes we make and the impact of those mistakes. With deliberation we demonstrate new adherence to the organisation’s culture. From our position of improved adherence, we gain credibility so we can challenge those working around us. We do this by giving feedback to others, in the same way that we expect to be given feedback.

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