In A Nutshell

Team Performance

Autonomous teams decide for themselves what to measure, how to analyse the data to create information, how that information should be presented and how the data should be used. Autonomy mitigates strongly against the concept of standard organisational measures. There are well-recognised measures of performance that are widely used by many agile teams. Organisations can take advantage of these common metrics by encouraging all teams to use a shared definition.

Agile leaders recognise that the performance of teams depends on too many contextual factors to support direct comparison of metric values across teams. If shared definitions of metrics are used, it may be possible for leaders to pay attention to trends in the data so that they can assess the impact of changes made across the organisation.

The set of metrics used is not static overtime. Metrics that are informative today may not provide information in the future. Teams should regularly review the usefulness of their metrics, ceasing the use of redundant metrics and adding new ones that illuminate the concerns of the team.

Product Performance

Products need to demonstrate the delivery of value for their customers. Each product should define a set of key metrics that it will use to evaluate its performance. Some of these may be standardised across the Product Portfolio. Others will be specific to the product.

Understanding the performance of each product relative to the rest of the portfolio allows us to assess the level of investment that we should make. Performance is only one aspect of the investment decision. We may choose to make speculative investments (experiments) based on only small amounts of information.

Mature products need to consistently perform well in delivering their services to customers. Quality of Service is a key factor in determining the continued investment in a product.

Organisational Performance

The organisation needs to evaluate its holistic performance. Factors that need to be considered will include financial performance (summed across the product portfolio) and cultural performance in terms of attracting and retaining effective, skilled colleagues. The importance of Organisational Performance is discussed in Sustaining The Organisation.

Specific Practices

  • Analyse and Use Measurement Data

  • Define Qualitative Assessments

  • Identify Measurement Needs


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