In A Nutshell

The organisation needs sufficient capability to deliver its goals now and in the future. Current capability needs are defined by the product portfolio, its priorities and technologies and agreed levels of service. Product teams measure their rate of delivery and quality of service to understand how well they are meeting their current goals. Mismatched goals and achievement may indicate a need to change the team’s capability.

Future capability needs are defined by the vision for new products and by changes in the existing portfolio. The technology view taken from all the Product Roadmaps shows how demand for skills will change and which new skills need to be introduced to the organisation.

Whether capacity and skills are acquired organically by training or by recruitment, changing the capability of the organisation takes significant time. Organisations must balance mid-term capability development with the potential need to pivot quickly. The organisation can increase its resilience by encouraging colleagues to become “t-shaped” - specialising-generalists, by building teams that are stable and integrated and by sharing knowledge of the wider product portfolio across teams.
