
Purpose is typically a brief sentence or two that attempts to summarise why the product exists. Vision will be a longer description of how the product will evolve to better support the needs of our customers and colleagues.



Vision And Purpose Shared Effectively

Both Vision and Purpose have been documented. Vision and Purpose are easily accessible by any stakeholder of the product. Vision and Purpose are shared with stakeholders in an effective way so that there is a common understanding of the product.

Vision and Purpose are reviewed on an infrequent but regular basis to ensure they still accurately reflect the needs of our customers and colleagues. Vision and Purpose are also reviewed in response to changes in the business environment.


Vision and Purpose Shared But Outdated

Both Vision and Purpose have been documented. Vision and Purpose are easily accessible by any stakeholder of the product. Vision and Purpose are shared with stakeholders in an effective way so that there is a common understanding of the product.

There is little or no evidence that the Vision and Purpose are reviewed to ensure they remain relevant.


Vision and Purpose Not Shared

Either or both of product Vision and Purpose is absent or there is little or no evidence that the Vision and Purpose are accessible to stakeholders or actively shared with them.

There is little or no evidence of a shared understanding of the vision and purpose amongst stakeholder groups.

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